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Errors & Omissions (E&O) 

Errors & Omissions insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, provides coverage for claims that arise from errors or mistakes in professional services provided by a business. This type of insurance is crucial for professionals such as consultants, accountants, and attorneys. 

Why You Might Need E&O Insurance: 

  • Protection against lawsuits alleging negligence or failure to perform professional duties. 
  • Coverage for legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments. 
  • Safeguarding your professional reputation and financial stability.

Directors and Officers (D&O) 

Directors and Officers insurance provides coverage for the personal assets of a company’s directors and officers in the event they are sued for alleged wrongful acts in their roles. This insurance is essential for attracting and retaining top talent for your board and executive team. 

Why You Might Need D&O Insurance: 

  • Protection for directors and officers against personal liability. 
  • Coverage for legal defense costs and settlements. 
  • Peace of mind knowing that personal assets are protected.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) protects businesses against claims made by employees alleging wrongful employment practices, such as discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination. This coverage is vital for any business with employees. 

Why You Might Need EPLI: 

  • Protection against costly lawsuits from current or former employees. 
  • Coverage for legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments. 
  • Safeguarding your business’s reputation and financial stability. 

For more information about Management Liability insurance and how it can protect your business, contact us today. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

E&O insurance covers claims arising from errors, mistakes, or negligence in professional services.

Directors and Officers insurance is essential for anyone serving on a board of directors or as an officer of a company.

EPLI covers claims related to wrongful employment practices, such as discrimination and harassment.

The amount of E&O insurance you need depends on factors such as the size of your business and the level of risk involved in your profession.

In many cases, D&O insurance premiums are tax-deductible as a business expense.

E&O insurance covers errors or mistakes in professional services, while D&O insurance covers claims against company executives for wrongful acts.

Yes, EPLI can provide coverage for claims of discrimination, harassment, and other wrongful employment practices.

Yes, D&O insurance is important for small businesses to protect their directors and officers from personal liability.

To reduce the risk of EPLI claims, businesses should implement fair employment practices, provide employee training, and maintain thorough documentation of employment actions.

E&O insurance is not typically required by law, but it is often required by professional associations or clients.